Sunday, March 22, 2015

This New App Lets You Chat With No Cellular Service or Wi-Fi Networks

A new app called FireChat available free on iOS and Android is set to make a blazing statement. It is called an off-the-grid messaging app which let's you communicate via this app even without Internet connection or cellular phone coverage. 

Here is a description from Google Play about Open Garden's FireChat app:
"FireChat introduces a new way to chat: "off-the-grid". Now you can chat with people around you – even if there is no Internet connection or mobile phone coverage.
Please note that FireChat is designed for public communications. It is not meant for private communications. Real names are not required. You may choose pseudonyms. Please exercise discernment when sharing information in chatrooms. Other people will be able to read your messages, your username and full name (just like with tweets).
FireChat enables a new type of communication: 'firechats'. These live and anonymous public chatrooms can gather as many as 10,000 people simultaneously.
You can create your own public 'firechats' for anyone to join about anything that interests you - whether it's the NY Yankees, Game of Thrones, League of Legends or Italian food.

Whether you’re on the beach or in the subway, at a big game or a trade show, camping in the wild or at a concert, or even travelling abroad, simply fire up the app with a friend or two and find out who else is there.

Sample FireChat screenshot from iTunes webpage

Read More:
Big at SXSW: FireChat Bypass Cellular and WiFi Networks - Becky Worley Special Contributor, Yahoo! Tech

FireChat Takes Home SXSW Innovation Award - PR Newswire

FireChat Network-Free Chat Could Be Big. And Now It’s on Android - Rafe Needleman
Editorial Director, Yahoo

Also watch the YouTube video:

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